Friday, January 28, 2011

WordPress Template Tags Cheatsheet

WordPress Template Tags are used within the template files to dynamically display the content of your blog. They provide the tools you need to make specific requests to your database and return a set of results. Template Tags are on the greatest things about working with a platform such as WP, because they allow you to accomplish so much with little code.
Although there are tons of different tags used in the development and customization of WordPress themes, there are some that are extremely important and useful and you will see them in most themes.
Below I have provided you with a quick list of some of the key template tags to make your next Theme Development project a breeze.
follow the below link:

How to backup and download Database using PHP

< ?php $mysqlUserName = 'databaseusername' ; $mysqlPassword = 'databasepassword' ; $mysqlHostNa...